GST: 08CRQPR8500K1Z3 | Bikaner, Rajasthan, India

Our workspace plays a vital role in making our services more promising. We have got a series of assembly lines, that help us fulfill the industrial demand. Our departmentalized workspace is spacious, and helps us maintain coordination during the manufacturing procedure. Also, using several automated machineries, we maintain the manufacturing process of Vertical Injection Molding Machines, Pet Blow Moulding Machines, Hydraulic Power Press, etc., and generate productive results. With several safety arrangements, our workspace is nurtured to avoid any emergency, and thus, we make sure an optimal workspace for our products, and workers.

Along with our workspace, we have a well-furnished storage space, accommodating a perfect environment for curing procedures. We’ve equipped a set of climate control devices to provide the best atmospheric conditions for our products. Along with a series of testing equipment, we make sure our Vertical Plastic Injection Moulding Machine, Manual Hand Pallet Trucks, Hydraulic Manual Hand Stack, and H Frame Hydraulic Press offer productive results in different working situations.

The Infrastructural Advancement, we enjoy includes:

  • Ventilated Workspace
  • Emergency Arrangements
  • Huge Storage Space
  • Departmentalized Work Arrangements
  • Automated Machinery, Etc.
Legal Status: Sole Proprietorship
Nature of Business
hydroulic products & die mould manufacturing
Year of Establishment
Age of Company
24 Years
Man Power
1 - 50
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